Installation Instructions

Thank you for purchasing an Over the Top air intake! To attach this product to your rig, please follow these simple instructions.

1.      Remove the air resonator box by removing the passenger upper seat. Once the seat is removed, remove one plastic pop pin, and one t20 screen. Lift cab liner and remove two hoses attached to box and remove box.

2.      In engine bay, use the supplied ¾” insulated clamps and two nuts, plus the bolts from your resonator box to attach clamps to secure vent hose back to rear cab wall (where resonator box was just removed).

3.      Install silicone adapter to air box and slide on supplied hose clamps. Secure only bottom first. The larger of the two clamps goes on the bottom.

4.      Assemble upper and lower pieces of pipe and slide in silicone boot. Where the upper and lower pieces come together, make a mark on rear of cab to drill hole – 3/8 for 1 7/8 insulated clamp (mark the middle of bell where two pieces slide together). Before drilling, align upright piece of tubing with cab (should align with upper door bracket bolts). Use supplies bolt and secure pipe with insulated clamp back of cab, leave loose until rest of unit is secured.

5.      Install two” insulated clamp on upper tubing and install rain cap on tubing. Remove t40 bolt on upper door hinge (will be top bolt). Tighten upper clamp (while doing this, make sure unit is not going to rub on anything – adjust slightly if needed). Tighten middle clamp and clamps on silicone boot (adjust height to proper fitment).

6.      Tilt bed all the way up and notch plastic skirting on front of bed so it does not interfere with pipe.

7.      Reinstall cab liner and seat.

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